www.gusucode.com > 南充人开源PHP文章系统 v1.0 > 南充人开源PHP文章系统 v1.0\code\web\fckeditor\editor\dialog\fck_image\fck_image.js

    var dialog		= window.parent ;
var oEditor		= dialog.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
var FCK			= oEditor.FCK ;
var FCKLang		= oEditor.FCKLang ;
var FCKConfig	= oEditor.FCKConfig ;
var FCKTools	= oEditor.FCKTools ;

// Function called when a dialog tag is selected.
function OnDialogTabChange( tabCode )
	//ShowE('divInfo'		, ( tabCode == 'Info' ) ) ;

// Get the selected image (if available).
var oImage = dialog.Selection.GetSelectedElement() ;

if ( oImage && oImage.tagName != 'IMG' && !( oImage.tagName == 'INPUT' && oImage.type == 'image' ) )
	oImage = null ;

// Get the active link.
var oLink = dialog.Selection.GetSelection().MoveToAncestorNode( 'A' ) ;

window.onload = function()
	// Translate the dialog box texts.
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	// Load the selected element information (if any).
	LoadSelection() ;

	dialog.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

	// Activate the "OK" button.
	dialog.SetOkButton( true ) ;

	SelectField( 'txtUrl' ) ;

function LoadSelection()
	if ( ! oImage ) return ;

	var sUrl = oImage.getAttribute( '_fcksavedurl' ) ;
	if ( sUrl == null )
		sUrl = GetAttribute( oImage, 'src', '' ) ;

	GetE('txtUrl').value    = sUrl ;
	GetE('txtAlt').value    = GetAttribute( oImage, 'alt', '' ) ;
	GetE('txtVSpace').value	= GetAttribute( oImage, 'vspace', '' ) ;
	GetE('txtHSpace').value	= GetAttribute( oImage, 'hspace', '' ) ;
	GetE('txtBorder').value	= GetAttribute( oImage, 'border', '' ) ;
	GetE('cmbAlign').value	= GetAttribute( oImage, 'align', '' ) ;

	var iWidth, iHeight ;

	var regexSize = /^\s*(\d+)px\s*$/i ;

	if ( oImage.style.width )
		var aMatchW  = oImage.style.width.match( regexSize ) ;
		if ( aMatchW )
			iWidth = aMatchW[1] ;
			oImage.style.width = '' ;
			SetAttribute( oImage, 'width' , iWidth ) ;

	if ( oImage.style.height )
		var aMatchH  = oImage.style.height.match( regexSize ) ;
		if ( aMatchH )
			iHeight = aMatchH[1] ;
			oImage.style.height = '' ;
			SetAttribute( oImage, 'height', iHeight ) ;

	GetE('txtWidth').value	= iWidth ? iWidth : GetAttribute( oImage, "width", '' ) ;
	GetE('txtHeight').value	= iHeight ? iHeight : GetAttribute( oImage, "height", '' ) ;

	if ( oLink )
		var sLinkUrl = oLink.getAttribute( '_fcksavedurl' ) ;
		if ( sLinkUrl == null )
			sLinkUrl = oLink.getAttribute('href',2) ;

		GetE('txtLnkUrl').value		= sLinkUrl ;
		GetE('cmbLnkTarget').value	= oLink.target ;

//#### The OK button was hit.
function Ok()
	if ( GetE('txtUrl').value.length == 0 )
		GetE('txtUrl').focus() ;

		alert( FCKLang.DlgImgAlertUrl ) ;

		return false ;

	var bHasImage = ( oImage != null ) ;

	oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
	if ( !bHasImage )
		oImage = FCK.InsertElement( 'img' ) ;

	UpdateImage( oImage ) ;

	var sLnkUrl = GetE('txtLnkUrl').value.Trim() ;

	if ( sLnkUrl.length == 0 )
		if ( oLink )
			FCK.ExecuteNamedCommand( 'Unlink' ) ;
		if ( oLink )	// Modifying an existent link.
			oLink.href = sLnkUrl ;
		else			// Creating a new link.
			if ( !bHasImage )
				oEditor.FCKSelection.SelectNode( oImage ) ;

			oLink = oEditor.FCK.CreateLink( sLnkUrl )[0] ;

			if ( !bHasImage )
				oEditor.FCKSelection.SelectNode( oLink ) ;
				oEditor.FCKSelection.Collapse( false ) ;

		SetAttribute( oLink, '_fcksavedurl', sLnkUrl ) ;
		SetAttribute( oLink, 'target', GetE('cmbLnkTarget').value ) ;

	return true ;

function UpdateImage( e, skipId )
	e.src = GetE('txtUrl').value ;
	SetAttribute( e, "_fcksavedurl", GetE('txtUrl').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( e, "alt"   , GetE('txtAlt').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( e, "width" , GetE('txtWidth').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( e, "height", GetE('txtHeight').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( e, "vspace", GetE('txtVSpace').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( e, "hspace", GetE('txtHSpace').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( e, "border", GetE('txtBorder').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( e, "align" , GetE('cmbAlign').value ) ;

var sActualBrowser ;

function SetUrl( url, width, height, alt )
	if ( sActualBrowser == 'Link' )
		GetE('txtLnkUrl').value = url ;
		GetE('txtUrl').value = url ;
		GetE('txtWidth').value = width ? width : '' ;
		GetE('txtHeight').value = height ? height : '' ;

		if ( alt )
			GetE('txtAlt').value = alt;